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2017 Winter Commencement Ceremony held

  • Views 2927
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2018-03-09

On February 23, Sookymung Women’s University held the 2017 Winter Commencement Ceremony. The ceremony was attended by President Jungai Kang and deans of graduate schools and colleges who encouraged the new beginning of the graduates.




The graduates who received their degrees this year was 1,591 students from 10 colleges and 3 independent undergraduate studies. The Chairman Award was given to the class valedictorian Choi Jeong-min (23) from the Department of Computer Science, and top-ranking graduates of each college were given the Dean Awards.



In particular, an international student grabbed the attention by receiving a Dean Award from the College of Social Sciences for the first time in our school. Alumni Mango Jane Angar from Kenya, a graduate from the Department of Political Science and International Studies, was selected as the Star Student by receiving 4.17 GPA (out of 4.3 possible points).



Alumni Mango who was admitted to KDI School of Public Policy and Management said, “I was deeply moved by South Korea’s pro-democracy movements, Miracle on the Han River, candlelight rallies, among others, and I want to become a scholar who can contribute to my country by studying Korea’s political and economic developments.”



In the afternoon, the Commencement Ceremony for graduate schools was held at the Centennial Hall’s Samsung Convention Center. Graduate and doctoral degrees were given to a total of 421 students (including academic credit bank system) from general graduate schools, Graduate School of Professional Studies, Graduate School of Education, and Sookmyung Business School, and Outstanding Thesis Award was given to 26 graduate school students. Alumni Wu Jae-bong from the Graduate School of Professional Studies’ Silver Business Major achieved the record of becoming the nation’s oldest graduate student at the age of 89 this year.