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Sookmyung Women’s University has been selected for the BRIDGE+ business

  • Views 1867
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2018-05-30

Sookmyung Women’s University has been selected for the BRIDGE+ (Beyond Research Innovation & Development for Good Enterprises) business which is a business carried out by the Ministry of Education.


On April 5th, The Ministry of Education selected 18 universities including Yonsei, Korea, and Sookmyung Women’s University to aid the BRIDGE+ business. Among the selected volunteers, Sookmyung is known to be the only Women’s University.


Starting from 2015, The Ministry of Education has implemented the BRIDGE+ business for 3 years, for universities to fulfill their roles as leaders of creating technology based on new growth development through relocating their innovative assets toward the industry. In particular, the ministry reorganized existing projects to support the transfer and commercialization activities of universities that are needed during the 4th Industrial Revolution era, in which fusion and integration are emphasized. Therefore, it is planning to promote technical fusion and synthesis that go beyond campus boundaries by shifting its technology transference and commercialization activities, which have been promoted by universities, to co-transference and commercialization through mutual cooperation.


Mi Kyung Sung, head of the Research and Business Development Foundation, (front row, second from the right) and other Research and Business Development Foundation officials are taking a group picture.


As a school selected for BRIDGE+, our university plans on investing approximately four billion won over the next five years to discover innovative assets of students and teachers, support R & BD planning and asset enhancement for practical use and create technology transfer and commercialization outcomes.


Sung Mi Kyung, head of the Research and Business Development Foundation stated, “It is exciting for us to be selected for ‘BRIDGE+’, the leading business for technology transfer commercialization, amongst the intense competition with other prominent universities. Using the government-oriented business funds we gained through this business, we will try our best to discover and support innovative assets such as creative ideas from potential students and professors and to become the leading university of technology transfer commercialization in the near future.”