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The first step toward becoming a global talent, intensive foreign language course for new students

  • Views 2616
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2018-03-09

Sookmyung Women’s University opened an intensive foreign language course for new students in preparation of the 2018 semester.

The course comprised of first and second sessions was opened to raise the English language skills and global competencies of young students, and it received incredible popularity as the applications for the course at the intensive course fair filled up almost immediately. The class also included the Career Path Live program that is newly offered by the Graduate School of Professional Studies’ TESOL-SMART.



The first part of the class that was held in the Sookmyung Professional Development Center from January 22 to February 22 was participated by 70 students who had passed the college entrance exam. The students were able to learn practical English closely related to a total of 4 topics of engineering, business, social media, and culture and tourism. In particular, to raise English skills in the major area or the areas of interest, the utilization of English group project, English presentation, etc. greatly contributed to increasing expertise in special areas.



Seo Jeong-won (Department of Consumer Economics 2018), a student who participated in the English course for new students, said, “Although my parents recommended this course after I had lost interest in English during my preparation for the entrance examination, I feel like I have discovered a rare and valuable gem from a treasure chest.” And another participant Lee Da-eun(English Language & Literature 2018) said, “It was a great opportunity for me to develop cooperative skills during the group projects and I am glad I was able to take the course with my friends and gain more interest in English.”



 The second part of the course from February 5 ~ 14 was participated by 30 students who had passed the college entrance exam. Around 100 students who had participated in the first and second part of the course are to be given 2 approved credits. In addition, the Career Path Live is planning to introduce an English certification system and issue English certificates according to the completion of English courses per level. Head Professor Yeom Gyeong-suk of TESOL-SMART said, “I was able to get a glimpse of the students’ efforts to cultivate their foreign language skills that are the basis of becoming true international women leaders. Through the Career Path Live, I hope the students can form a solid foundation of English and become Sookmyungians who can be active on a global stage.”