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Large-scale campus construction on the way such as new PRIME Center

  • Views 2598
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2018-03-09

In order to resolve chronic spatial shortages, Sookymung Women’s University is commencing large-scale campus constructions. In terms of a new construction besides expansions and reconstructions of existing buildings, this is the first since the completion of the Sookmyung Business Incubation Center 6 years ago in 2012.

The upcoming constructions that are conducted as a part of the PRIME Project are largely divided into the new construction of the PRIME Center, expansion of the Horse-hoof Plaza, expansion of the Renaissance Plaza, etc. in the Second Foundation Campus. When the constructions are completed in 2019, our university’s campus map is expected to go through a drastic change.


campus construction


Due to the new establishment and expansion of the facilities for the engineering major, our university has been utilizing a part of the College of Science as a facility for the College of Engineering. However, with the recruitment of new students, increase of engineering professors, etc., our school has been experiencing problems of spatial shortages. As a resolution, the Management & Information Technology has prepared a plan to expand campus space while operating the “Campus Master Plan TF” for the past year.

The Dean of Management & Information Technology Wu Seong-ho, announced, “Although the plan had changed since the time of PRIME Project selection during the course of gathering opinions from members based on public hearings and meetings, we were able to prepare a plan that can satisfy the majority,” and “We will do our best toward seamless construction by ensuring safe walkways for students and faculty during the construction.”


campus construction


According to the Management & Information Technology, a new PRIME Center, a three-story and two basement floor building with a 6,656.42㎡surface area, is to be built near the entrance of our school’s Second Foundation Campus by February next year. The PRIME Center is to house educational and lecture spaces such as PBL lecture hall, high-tech lecture hall, and capstone design lecture hall as well as student facilities such as PC labs, fitness facility, global lounge, and lounge for students with disabilities.

In addition, the Horse-hoof Plaza on the first basement floor where the entrances to the College of Music, College of Pharmacy, and College of Fine Arts meet will completely change into a large-scale hall with a total floor area of 1,922.67㎡by building a roof. This space is to be used as a creative space as well as for conventions such as large-scale on/off campus events.


campus construction


Lastly, the interior expansion construction of the Renaissance Plaza that began demolition in November last year is expected to be completed by June this year. Through the construction that is to fill in the spaces on 3~5th floors of the existing Immanuel Hall, new lecture rooms, research facilities, etc. for the College of Engineering are expected to be constructed.

If the constructions go according to the plan, there will be drastic increase of educational and lecture spaces starting in February 2019, which is expected to contribute to the increase of our school’s educational performances. Meanwhile, the entrance space to the Second Foundation Campus is to be completely closed off during the construction period. Accordingly, to access the College of Pharmacy, College of Fine Arts, College of Music, Continuing Education Building, etc., pedestrians must use a bypass that will be separately notified.


campus construction


Dean Wu said, “With the simultaneous development of the entrance to the Second Foundation Campus, the two campuses facing each other are to be connected in the future, but above all, we will make sure the newly expanded space can be shared by as many members as possible.” He also requested “kind understanding from the members for the expected noise and vibrations during the construction period.”