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Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center hosts 'APEC Female Enterprises and Smart Technology Seminar' at 2017 Women and Economy Forum

  • Views 1955
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2017-11-27

Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center(APWINC) hosted 「APEC Female Enterprises and Smart Technology Seminar」 as part of the APEC Women and Economy Forum(WEF) in Hue, Vietnam on September 28th.


The APEC Women and Economy Forum was established in 1989 to promote the economic equilibrium and stable growth within the Asia Pacific region. It is an annual event where hundreds of government representatives, international organization associates and women entrepreneurs from 21 memeber states attend.




The seminar was designed to improve women’s economic power and status in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. The Minister of Gender Equality and Family, Jeong Hyun Baek, the chairman of Korean Women Entrepreneurs Association, Han Moo Kyung, the secretary-general of Philippine’s women’s committee, Emmeline L. Verzosa and various figures of governmental, corporate and academic sectors participated in the seminar.


Successful cases of female entrepreneurs of 6 APEC member states utilizing ICT and smart technology were shared in the seminar. Discussions on critical strategies and policies to expand the use of technology among women entrepreneurs also took place. The seminar was practiced especially as part of the ‘Measure to activate women’s economic activities based on ICT corresponding to the fourth industrial revolution’ project which was planned by APWINC. The project was co-designed by APWINC and the Korean Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, financially supported by the secretariat of APEC. Not only seminars, but APWINC is also currently implementing research project that analyze successful cases of women entrepreneurs of 21 APEC member states in the field of ICT and Smart Technology, along with developing related online platforms.




APWINC has been hosting APEC Women and Economy Forum since 2005 in order to encourage participation of APEC women in digital economy. Kim Myung Hee, the director of APWINC, stated “We will emphasize the importance of smart technology in the era of the fourth industrial revolution for women empowerment and foster inspiration of APEC Women’s economic activities, quality and quantity wise, by holding seminars and building global network.”


Translation by Sookmyung Interpretation Volunteers