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Large showcase of creative ideas at the 1st Capstone Design Competition

  • Views 2663
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2018-02-09

Sookmyung Women’s University held the 1st Capstone Design Competition organized by the PRIME Project Group at the campus Start-Up Lounge on December 27.

This competition was held with the aims to introduce the results and products of creative ideas from the students’ Capstone Design curriculum and to foster Sookmyung Makers. The competition was participated by a total of 53 teams and 11 teams made it to the finals.



On this day, the 11 teams comprised of students from both engineering and non-engineering backgrounds presented their diverse and creative prototypes and ideas such as game apps, laptop pouch, humidifier, module-type vase, and experimental education video in VR. After a fair review by the judges comprised of 5 people from and outside of our school, a total of 5 teams were awarded.



Representative of Idea Farm Co., Ltd. Chae I-sik who judged the competition said, “Despite being the first Capstone Design Competition, the level of prototype production of the participating students was impressive,” and “I hope the school can provide continuous support so that the presented products can lead to future ventures.”



The honor of the First Prize went to student Hwang Ye-ri who designed a customized cosmetic device and platform that enable the consumers to produce color cosmetics at home based on their desired color, texture, and effect. And the Second Prize went to the Show Me The Toilet Team that developed an app that allows you to check the availability of public restrooms.



The Idea Prize was given to the Jeong Dam Mi Hyeon Team (developed module-type vase that can freely change its color and size), Bi Su Bin Team (developed a fruit-shaped Bluetooth speaker and multifunctional lighting product), and Snowflake Graduation Project Team (developed a development simulation game with school background). The Head of the PRIME Project Group Oh Jung-san awarded the winning teams with award certificates from the school president and prize money, and the remaining teams were given participation award certificates from the head of the project group.



Meanwhile, this competition was visited by the Head of Inje University PRIME Project Group Kim Tae-gu, who has entered an MOU with our university’s PRIME Project Group as well as the Head of Capstone Design Center Kim Beom-geun, relevant employees, and 10 students. While the judges were making their decisions, the 4 student teams from the Inje University presented their best practices of Capstone Design from their school and provided our students with a great opportunity for future benchmarking.



The Head of the PRIME Project Group Oh Jung-san said, “To the winning teams, we will provide support on idea planning, design, and prototype production in the campus Start-Up Lounge as well as a chance to experience Accelerating and Crowd Funding,” and “We plan to continuously hold competitions and hackathons to foster Makers (people who realize their ideas into strengths by using opensource and share the processes through networks) who will shine as the creative human resources in the coming 4th industrial revolution.”