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Alumni Association Holds Alumni Hall Opening Ceremony and Year-end Executive Committee Meeting

  • Views 2341
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2017-12-21

The long awaited nesting place for our university’s alumni has finally opened. Sookmyung Women’s University Alumni Association announced that it held the opening ceremony of Sookmyung Women’s University Alumni Hall in Hyochang-dong, Yongsan-gu, on the 12th.



The Alumni Hall has been constructed as a 6-story building next to the Hyochang Stadium in Hyochang-dong, Yongsan-gu. The lounge on the 2nd floor is to used for colleges, clubs, and alumni meetings, and the guest room on the 6th floor is to be provided at reasonable fee for alumni such as local branches and overseas branches. The studios on the remaining floors are planned to be leased to students of Sookyung Women’s University and the resulting profits are to be used for scholarship programs.



President of Alumni Association, Chung Soon-ock, said, “Our long cherished project of building an alumni hall was finally completed with the love and support from many alumni,” and “we hope the building can serve as a place where the students can develop their dreams and hopes of becoming outstanding individuals in the future.”




Meanwhile, prior to the opening ceremony, the Alumni Association held the “30th Year-end Alumni Association Executive Committee Meeting and Alumni Hall Opening Ceremony” and awarded distinguished alumni who honored our school. On this day, “This Year’s Sookyung CEO Award” and “Beautiful Sookmyungian Award” went to CEO of Elyson Pharm Co., Ltd. Eul won Dhong (graduated from College of Pharmacy in ‘76), and CEO of Korean Leadership Center, Kim Gyeong-hui (graduated from Department of Physical Education in ‘83), respectively.



In addition, “Achievement Award” was given to Shin Sang-hui (graduated from Department of Law in ‘91), who made great contribution to the establishment of the Alumni Hall, and “Appreciation Award” was given to alumni who contributed more than 100 million won for the Alumni Hall, who include Lee In-bok (graduated from Department of Korean Language & Literature in ‘60), Kim Gui-ja (graduated from Department of Education in ‘64), Jeong Yeong-ja (graduated from Department of Pharmacy in ‘65), Jeong Chun-hui (graduated from Department of English Language & Literature in ‘66), Mun Il-gyeong (graduated from Department of Living Art in ‘68), Hwang Hyeong-suk (graduated from Department of Political Science & International Relations in ‘70), Ryu Ji-yeong (graduated from Department of Living Art in ‘72), and Cho Seon-hye (graduated from Department of Pharmacy in ‘77).