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Sookmyung’s women empowerment programs grabbing the attention of global universities

  • Views 666
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-02-24

Our university’s president Sunhye Hwang returned to Korea after attending the “QS in Conversation,” which was an international education conference held in Milan, Italy, from February 1 to 3, to make a special presentation on themes concerning our university’s leadership competence program and to sign exchange agreements with overseas universities, among others.


This seminar was organized by QS Asia and Effat University in Saudi Arabia, where discussions about the role of advanced education for reinforcing global women’s leadership took place. Invited as a special speaker, President Hwang introduced our university’s best practices with the title [Advancing Female Leadership through ICT Skills and Leadership Education] by attending the session on the second day of the seminar which opened with the theme “Empowering Women, Transforming Nations: Inspiration from East Asia.”




While President Hwang explained the achievements and purposes of various leadership competence programs of our school such as Sookmyung Honors Program and Leadership Group System, she was able to relate to the participants by introducing the case studies of positive effects toward increasing women’s leadership and promoting gender equality policies through the implementation of ICT education for women in developing countries that is currently being conducted by The Asia Pacific Women's Information Network Center.


undefinedIn addition, our university discussed about expanding exchanges with participating universities from leading countries that attended the seminar and signed a general exchange agreement with University of Leeds, a famous research-oriented university in the U.K. University of Leeds is affiliated with the Russell Group, which is an organization represented by 20 research-leading universities in the U.K., and the school was ranked at 87th place by the QS World University rankings in 2015.  Since the intention of exchange shown through the round table organized by the British Council last year between Korea and the U.K., the two schools made a final agreement at the seminar to promote joint researches and academic exchanges that can bolster the strengths of each school.


Furthermore, our school visited the prestigious Polytechnic University of Milan and Domus Academy, well known for producing great practical designers, and observed their laboratories, libraries, graduate programs, etc. Our school also took the opportunity to discuss about our university’s benchmarking plans.