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Chung Young Yang Embroidery Museum Opens <Threads of Splendor: Weaving Waves of Colors>

  • Views 999
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-11-16

A special exhibition <Threads of Splendor: Weaving Waves of Colors> opened in a ceremony graced by more than 90 guests, including President Jung-Ai Kang of Sookmyung Women's University, honorary professor Hui-Jun An of Seoul National University, honorary president Jong-Gyu Kim of the Korean Museum Association, and culture editor Hyeong-Mo Jung of Joong-Ang Sunday.


“We are proud that our collection of relatively short history of 12 years were used, along with masterpieces of embroidery from our ancestors, as creative resources for educating and inspiring for the next generation,” said Director Young-Yang Chung of the Museum at the opening speech.




The special exhibition was organized to display modern artworks as new interpretations, inspired by the historic artifacts in the Museum.




In accordance with the current trend of collaboration between contemporary artists and relic of the past in museums, 13 textile artists including 8 selected from local universities and 5 from the established art scene took part in the exhibition.




The participating artists were invited to a workshop in the Museum to learn and appreciate the significance and beauty of the artifacts. After selecting the art pieces for their motif and completing the draft, they worked for approximately 1 year.



 The contemporary artists reinterpreted the traditional embroidery patterns through digital repetitions or enlargement and attempted reproducing the old art pieces using state-of-the-art fiber materials. “We were open to all types of materials, forms, and methods. Thanks to that, diverse approaches were made in terms of the shapes, patterns, colors, and concepts. We believe our art works will be sources of inspiration for not only textile artists but also for scholars, artists, designers and even ordinary citizens,” said a staff of the Museum.


Translation by Sookmyung Interpretation Volunteers