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Sookmyung Women’s University Wins Minister of Employment and Labor Award for 2017 Youth Dream College of Best Practice

  • Views 1877
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2017-12-21

Our university was awarded the “Minister of Employment and Labor Award for 2017 Youth Dream College of Best Practice” at the College Career/Employment Best Practice Award and Sharing Seminar that was held at the D-Cube City of Seoul Sheraton Hotel on December 13.

Youth Dream College of Best Practice, which is jointly organized by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Information Service, and Dong-A Ilbo News, awards exemplary universities that pursue differentiated and practical efforts toward fostering young talents such as career/employment support, international career, and entrepreneurship. The award is divided into 4 categories of career guidance, employment support, international employment, and entrepreneurship support. Our university received the highest award in the career guidance category, the Minister of Employment and Labor Award.



Sookmyung Women’s University received high evaluation through exemplary practices such as active entrepreneurship support in connection with the local community, implementation of career development system based on university departments (majors), implementation of full cycle student career management portal system in line with social demands.  In particular, our university has newly established career curriculum per major, extra-curricular program, and career counseling professor system in order to alleviate the phenomenon of losing confidence due to the inability to find answers to future anxieties, contemplation related to changing major, leave of absence, etc. and as a method for fostering talents demanded by the society.



During a semester, career education is conducted, which include introduction of major, characteristics of career field, special lecture from corresponding field, career road map workshop, etc. And the career/employment counseling professor per major provides guidance counseling to students. All counseling results and students’ curricular/non-curricular activities are uploaded to the student career management portal system “SNOWAY” in order to develop career guidance systematically. On this day, our university’s President of Office of Career Development, Lee Jeong-gyu, presented the Sookmyung Triple Program as the summary of above efforts and implemented practice, which was conducted to support systematic employment/entrepreneurship based on the characteristics of each major.



On the other hand, our university concluded an MOU with the Ministry of Employment and Labor and universities leading in career/employment support. This was the result of being selected as the only university in the Seoul area for the leading career/employment supporting university in 2017. Through the MOU, both institutions planned on mutual collaboration toward establishment, operation, and expansion of career/employment support system per student year based on the majors. Also, there are active plans for utilizing online systems’ link and contents for effectively managing career and experience development.

President Jung ai Kang said, “This is all the more meaningful because this achievement overcame the poor conditions of the employment market, which is especially true for women,” and “we will foster all-round global talents geared toward the future through the close collaboration with the Ministry of Employment and Labor.”