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The relationship with Zaytun Division, continued by Sookmyung

  • Views 2219
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2017-02-24

The Kurdish people who are known as the world’s largest nomadic tribe have a lot of historic similarity with Korea. Much like Korea, the people have been fighting to build an independent state after their painful history of oppression from nearby powerful nations such as Turkey and Iraq, and the division of its people. They are strong people who make efforts to preserve their unique culture, and they are the only people to drive out the IS from the Middle Eastern region.


The participation of 6 Kurdish students from the International University of Erbil (hereinafter Erbil University) in Iraq in our university’s WBBP that began in January attracted a lot of attention. The Erbil University was founded in 2009 with the aim to cultivate leaders for the Kurdish people. In other words, it is a university that has been established on the people’s hopes to build an independent state. There are many aspects that coincide with our university’s founding philosophy of national salvation through women’s education.


Based on such historical similarities, the two universities entered into sisterhood relationship in last November. The President of Erbil University Muhammad Hassan emphasized the meaning of exchange by saying “The past struggle of Korea toward independence is a lesson that should be learned by the Kurdish people at Erbil.” This month, an online video lecture Global e-School Program with Erbil University is to begin based on the theme of secret to the development of Korean politics and economy. With more than 60 students applying to the program, it is already showing a lot of popularity. As such, we were able to listen to the comments and impressions of Sookmyung University and Korea from the students visiting our school for the first time since the sisterhood relationship.



1. It’s nice to meet you. What is your first impression of our university?


The people were kind and helpful. The Global Buddy students were very considerate and helped with even the small details. Especially, the school’s officials such as the Head of Office of External Affairs Lee Hyung-jin and Profesor Ham Si-hyun were very kind. I was introduced to Professor Ham through our university’s President Hassan, and he was very thoughtful and helpful such as showing me around the Chemistry Department’s facilities and computer equipment as well as scheduling meetings with other professors.


I especially like the tight security here. I felt the school was very thorough in terms of security issues of dormitories as well as the internal and external security issues of the school. And the facilities were very clean. I really want the opportunity to come back.


2. I heard you are visiting Korea for the first time through WBBP. I am curious to know what was most memorable during your month-long stay here.


We visited many places, but the DMZ (demilitarized zone) was the most memorable. I am aware that the Kurdish and Korean people share common suffering in the past. Didn’t both of the nations experience the tragedy of being without an independent state? I was able to relate to the national tragedy of North and South Korean division and confrontation after the Korean War. After exploring the site, I also bought a souvenir as a reminder when I get back home.


Other programs also provided a lot of other experiential activities such as wearing Hanbok, making Korean food, and learning K-Pop dance, which were all new experiences for me. In fact, it is difficult to say which one was the best because they were all good. (During the interview, Zainab Jabbar smiled and said he regrets not being able to see actor Lee Min-ho.)


3. The Erbil region in Iraq has deep ties with our country. After the war in Iraq, the Korean Zaytun Division was dispatched, and the division was also the background of the recent popular drama “Descendants of the Sun.” How do people view Korea there?


First of all, everyone knows about Korea. In 2004, the Zaytun Division came as peacekeepers and contributed greatly. We still talk about those days often. They built countless public facilities such as hospitals, schools, and houses, and contributed greatly in overcoming the effects of war in the region.


Perception of Korea as an “appreciated country” can be found everywhere. Such hints can even be seen on the side of buses. There are posters with phrases like “We are your friend” below the Korean and Kurdish flags. Searching online, it is easy to find images and slogans that express the local Kurdish governments’ appreciation for Koreans.


Also, Korean dramas are very popular. Many genres are popular such as Boys over Flowers, Sad Love Sonata, and Jeong Do Jeon. Even historical dramas are popular, perhaps because of similar sentiments. The Train to Busan that was released last year was also very popular. It is safe to say favorable impression of Korea is very strong among young people.



4. Is there anyone here who has personal experience with the Zaytun Division?


(Ismael Hussein) I am a middle school teacher back home, and the school that I teach in is a school built by the Zaytun Division. I talk about Korea a lot during classes. In fact, one of my younger cousins actually learned Korean by working with soldiers from the Zaytun Division. In addition, the people from the division built many homes, and there are many people around me who have received financial help because the houses can be purchased at affordable prices.


5. I am curious to know if you have any special reasons for coming to Sookmyung University.


Our university’s President Hasan visited Korea in November and entered into sisterhood agreement with Sookmyung Women’s University. And when President Hassan chose Sookmyung as the most impressive school after the visit and recommended the school, it became one of the main reasons for my decision. Also, a professor named Hong Suk-ki at Erbil University is an alumni of Sookmyung. Her introduction and recommendation also became a good reason.


6. Do you have anything else you want to add?


Although it was a short stay, I made a lot of good memories. I want to share the things I’ve learned here to my university, my friends, and students in my region when I get back. If I get another chance, I would really like to come back.