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Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center hosts UNESCO-UNITWIN Network Establishment Workshop

  • Views 3489
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2017-08-04

The Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center (APWINC) of Sookmyung Women’s University, held ‘2017 UNESCO-UNITWIN Network Establishment Domestic Invitation Workshop’ for two days from May 29th to 30th as a part of the regular business of ‘UNESCO-UNTWIN’ (University Twinning and Networking) program of UNESCO.




The UNESCO-UNITWIN program is sponsored by the Ministry of Education carried out by the APWINC with the purpose of building a network of higher educational institutions around the world and enhancing the capacity of the higher educational institutions by exchanging knowledge and research. UNITWIN business of Sookmyung Women’s University is a joint international development project in the field of education for ‘strengthening women’s capacity through information and communications technology (ICT) and leadership education’.




During the workship in 2017, high-ranking government officials from Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, and Vietnam discussed about how to develop and carry out collaborative plans between higher educational institutions for improvement of women’s capability for ICT and leadership. The officials who joined the discussion included senior officials of Laos, Indonesian and Vietnamese government and eighteen representatives of cooperating universities, Minister for Education and Sports H.E. Mrs. Sengdeuane Lachanthaboune, Head of Women’s and Community Empowerment of Yogyakarta Dr. R. A. Arida Oetami, Education Specialst of UNESCO Beijing Office Robert Parua, and Vice President of Souphanouyong Univeristy Vixay Chansavang and President of Board of Trustees of Life University of Cambodia Rev. Dr. Koo Kyen Hoe.

Sengdeuane Lachanthaboune (the Minister of Education, Laos) highlighted the importance of constant educational cooperation for development of education in Laos by saying, “I have come to participate in the workshop because I am highly interested in educational cooperation strategy that combines advanced ICT technology of Korea with women’s education”.

Education Specialist of UNESCO Beijing Office Robert Parua claimed, “The UNESCO-UNITWIN program does not intend to improve individual competency through scholarship and financial assistance but to continuously promote competency for women by sharing knowledge and enhancing collaborative works between the host institution of UNITWIN and educational institutions.”

He further emphasized the crucial role of universities in achieving Sustainable Development Goals, given the ever-increasing needs of developing methodologies of international development cooperation based on in-depth studies and a wide range of data to further develop the MDGs.


Based on this discussion, The APWINC will carry out a training program on women’s leadership and ICT in Cambodia, Indonesia, and Laos this coming July and August and run co-courses with Cambodian Life University as a test operation starting from September this year.


Translation by Sookmyung Interpretation Volunteers