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Held the PRIME Project Team Inauguration Ceremony and Signboard Hanging Ceremony

  • Views 506
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-09-07

Our university held the Inauguration Ceremony and Signboard Hanging Ceremony for the PRIME (Program for Industrial needs-Matched Education) Project Team at the campus Administration Building on August 9.  The inauguration ceremony was participated by about 50 school officials such as President Sunhye Hwang, newly appointed President Jungai Kang, Head of Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Lee Si-wu, among others.

Our university was the only women’s university selected for the large-scale PRIME Project in May and is to receive 42 billion KRW in government financial aid for the next 3 years. Accordingly, our school has been diligently preparing a PRIME Project Team for pursuing expansion of college of engineering, convergence education, cultural education, reinforcement of student career competence, etc.

The PRIME Project Team composes of the Team Leader Oh Jung-san, 6 subcommittees, and 12 personnel. At the end of June, our university received the signboard from the Ministry of Education at the PRIME Project Inauguration Ceremony that was participated by all 21 selected universities.

On the day of the ceremony, President Sunhye Hwang announced, “In light of the rapidly changing industrial model, Sookmyung University will reinforce natural sciences and engineering as well as promoting industry cooperation curriculum and program development projects in all fields of studies.”  Team Leader Oh Jung-san also expressed his resolve and said, “I will stay focused on the students in everything we do and perform the project according to principles in order to contribute to the development of the school.”