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Global Governance Research Center selected for Korean Studies Foundation Research Support Project

  • Views 513
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-10-06

Our university’s Global Governance Research Center (affiliated with the Global HRD Center and International Peace Cooperation Center) was selected for the “2016 Korean Studies Foundation Research Support Project” that is recently being promoted by The Academy of Korean Studies.



The Korean Studies Foundation Research Support Project is a project that is being conducted by The Academy of Korean Studies as a part of the Humanities and Social Science Foundation Research Project in order to build the foundation of Korean studies for providing the source of knowledge production and establishing creative research theories.


The Global Governance Research Center was selected for this project under the theme “Databasing of Diplomatic Documents related to Founding of Korea and Reconstruction during and after the Korean War: Focusing on UN and Affiliated Organizations.”  It is a large-scale research project that is to receive a total of 700 million KRW during 3 years, including indirect expenses.


According to the research center, the project under the theme of “Databasing of Diplomatic Documents related to Founding of Korea and Reconstruction during and after the War” is to be conducted for a total of 3 areas such as △ UN (affiliated organizations) support during liberation and founding period, △ UN support during the Korean War, and △ UN support during the reconstruction period after the Korean War.


Under the head supervision by Professor Choi Dong-joo of School of Global Service, 5 researchers such as Professor Jeong Jae-wook of Graduate School of International Relations (Head of International Peace Cooperation Center) who have accumulated long research experiences will participate as the supervisor of each field and as co-researchers.


The research center expects the project to be an opportunity to provide services as the “hub of global knowledge related to Korea and the UN” and expand the research field of Korean studies by revitalizing converged researches with Korean studies and other academic areas. Furthermore, it is also expected to inspire the need for follow-up researches that will shed light on the changed role of Korea from a recipient of UN aids to a “country that sponsors UN” following UN membership and extension of national power.




Meanwhile, the research center entered into an MOU with the Ministry of National Defense Institute for Military History on September 20 in relation to this in order to advance the foundation research of Korean studies. The researchers are hoping that it will not only result in synergy effect for the Korean Studies Foundation Research Support Project, but also achieve expansion of academic and research base through improved cooperation between the two organizations.