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“The new face of Sookmyung,” the completion of Queen Sunheon Building remodeling construction

  • Views 654
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-04-06

The Facility Management Team of our university has conducted remodeling construction for the Queen Sunheon Building and the College of Science building from December 16 of last year to February 25. The construction was conducted to △ build a state-of-the-art education infrastructure through remodeling of aging facilities and to △ improve educational environment by replacing to pleasant and stylish facilities. In the case of the Queen Sunheon Building that was built over 38 years ago, not only was a lot of the aging facility issues were resolved, but the value as a historical building and user convenience were also significantly raised.


According to the Facility Management Team, large-scale remodeling was conducted from the basement floor to the fifth floor of the Queen Sunheon Building. There were big changes to a total of 19 lecture rooms, 6 laboratories, 28 bathrooms, and the center lecture hall, and asbestos removing work was conducted for some of the floors. In addition, the halls and lobbies from the basement to the fifth floor were remodeled, and the windows to the north and entrance doors of all floors were replaced for insulation and theft prevention. The changed hallways of each floor were installed with plenty of glass bulletin boards to make it more convenient to post promotional materials and notices.


The most noticeable change is the extensive transformation of the first and second floor hallways of the Queen Sunheon Building. The former Common English Lounge and Communication Center were relocated and extended to maximize an pleasant and open environment, and resting areas such as the student lounge was created for the students. (Refer to photo.)


Student Yu Hwa-gyeong ((Department of  Food & Nutrition)15) said, “With the creation of new space where students can rest, the space became more available and beautiful” and “I became more appreciative of my school through the exhibition of framed historical records that introduce the history of our university and the Queen Sunheon Building.”

On the basement floor, the former resting room changed into a public locker space called the Queen Sunheon Locker Lounge. The lockers that were scattered in narrow hallways of each floor became concentrated to one location. While resolving safety issues of blocked exits in case of emergency situations such as a fire, the appearance and movement convenience were improved at the same time.


Meanwhile, the remodeling construction of the College of Science building that began with the remodeling of the Queen Sunheon Building is almost completed. The interior construction is completed such as building of resting areas like the student lounge in the first floor hallway and transformation of the large lecture room no. 651 to accommodate various research and academic seminars, but the exterior construction is still underway. The Facility Management Team said, “The replacement work of the exterior finishing material will be completed around mid April” and “we expect the building to become a more stylish building through improved insulation and anti-leak functions.”