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Sookmyung University holds “overseas job fair” with KOTRA

  • Views 667
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-04-25

The “[Global Job Fair] Global Job Fair with KOTRA” that was organized by the Career Development Center for the Creative Economy and supervised by KOTRA was held at our university’s Second Foundation Campus Gemma Hall on March 29 (Tue). The event was participated by a total of 120 people, which included students and graduates who are interested in overseas employment as well as young people in the local area.




This fair, which was organized to discover potential demands by promoting major overseas employment projects for domestic universities, began with the opening message from the KOTRA Global Employment Project Team Leader Cho Eun-ho, which was followed by information on overseas employment support projects for young people in Korea.




The second part of the event was detailed lecture on local information such as local employment conditions and promising companies provided by KOTRA Singapore and Japan Trade Centers. Deputy General Manager Kim Jun-seong of the Singapore Trade Center highly recommended Singapore as the starting point of overseas employment as he said, “Starting a career in Singapore where there are many multinational companies can also make it easier to relocate to surrounding countries.”




In addition, this event was attended by officials from the Japanese branch of the global consulting company Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. And they gave a special lecture on the advantages of Japanese companies that have been experiencing recent high demands of global talents and about career paths in Japan, which received great response from the students who are interested in overseas careers.