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“Demonstrate successful innovative education models”

  • Views 550
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-07-25

On June 27, the inauguration ceremony of the PRIME Project hosted by the Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation of Korea was held at the Wonkwang University in Jeolla Province. The inauguration ceremony was participated by 300 university officials from a total of 21 universities such as 9 universities (large) leading in social demand and 12 universities (small) leading in creative foundation who encouraged the successful start of the PRIME Project together, and the ceremony of receiving the signboard from the Ministry of Education was also held.



The PRIME Project is a university education innovation project toward the improvement of workforce mismatch and reinforcement of students’ major/career competencies by supporting an autonomous leading model for universities in order to cultivate competent human resources in promising fields. Our university was selected as the only large-scale women’s university in the announcement that was made in May.



The inauguration ceremony that began at 3pm started off with the introduction of universities and their presidents selected for the PRIME Project and the congratulatory message from the Minister of Education and Deputy Prime Minister of Social Affairs Lee Jun-sik. During his congratulatory message, Deputy Prime Minister Lee Jun-sik said, “The PRIME Project must be successful for the fostering of future human resources according to the rapidly changing social demands, innovative higher education, advancement of universities, and global competencies,” and “the Ministry of Education and the government will provide active support for this purpose.”



Meanwhile, after the selection as the only women’s university in the large-scale category in May, our university formed a PRIME Project Team led by the Head of Office of Strategy & Planning Oh Jung-san. The official of the PRIME Project Team said “We will hold a signboard hanging ceremony to celebrate the launch of the PRIME Project Team on campus in early July and kickoff the implementation of the project in earnest.”