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Hold a starting ceremony for a local education team for supporting women in developing countries

  • Views 721
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-07-25

On July 8, our university’s The Asia Pacific Women's Information Network Center held the “UNESC UNITWIN Local Education Starting Ceremony” at the campus Centennial Hall’s Han Sang-eun Lounge. UNESCO UNITWIN local education team consists of 11 instructors, including Sookmyung faculty, and 20 students. Around August, the team is scheduled to conduct education in local areas of collaborating nations Indonesia and Cambodia.



Our university’s UNITWIN project is an international development cooperation project in the education sector that is aimed at “women empowerment through ICT and leadership education.” The UNESCO UNITWIN local education that is being conducted as a part of this project is to be conducted for the Life University in Cambodia and Universitas Pelita Harapan in Indonesia which was founded just last year.


There are especially high expectations for this local education because ICT and leadership programs are to be conducted simultaneously for 1 week and because it has been planned according to the local demands based on joint research and customized contents development in relation to the educational status and demand analysis of the partnering nations that were conducted during the first half of last year.



At the local education starting ceremony, the schedule of the local education was shared and the team members participating in the local education held a mission declaration. After the starting ceremony, there was a heated discussion about the details of the ICT and leadership programs among the faculty and students participating in the local education as well as thoroughly checking and supplementing preparations in advance.



President Sunhye Hwang attended the starting ceremony and talked about the importance of fostering competent women and building ICT capacity as well as expressing her hopes that the cooperation and activities of the local education team can lead to women empowerment in developing countries and proliferation of local communities. In addition, she urged the participants to be safe during activities and further encouraged the instructors and students.