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University major experience program PRAD Camp for high school students opens

  • Views 524
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-09-07

PRAD Camp, which is a university major experience program for high school students hosted by our university’s Department of Public Relations & Advertising, was held.

The 5th PRAD Camp that was held for two days from July 25 to 26 was prepared to provide an opportunity for a taste of public relations & advertising major for high school girls who are dreaming of careers in advertising or PR. The program is gaining a lot of attention such as yearly increase of competition for acceptance since the launch in 2012, and it was also selected as a part of the High School Education Normalization University Project last year and this year.

There were many applicants to the camp this year from not only the metropolitan area, but also from faraway Gangneung, Ulsan, and even Jeju-do. As a result, final 60 high school students were selected after a document screening. The participants actively participated in the various programs prepared by the members of PR Society “Profile” and Advertising Society “Ad Balloon” of the Department of Public Relations & Advertising.

The two-day camp was packed with meaningful programs such as special advertising and PR lecture by Department of Public Relations & Advertising professors, special lectures by hands-on alumni workers from an advertising agency, view of international advertisement award winning works, SNS advertisement training, and PT competition by preparing brand planning documents in teams. The high school girls showed enthusiasm and diligence no less than college students as they worked through the night to prepare plans and competition PT.


At the competition PT opened on the second day, the creative and fresh ideas for advertisements and promotion strategies from the high school students were presented based on themes of Redcap Pizza, Dong-A Pharm, Manyo Factory, Eglips, and Clinique. Participant Choi Go-eun, student of Yongho High School, said “Because it’s not easy to learn about advertisements in my everyday life, the camp was a great opportunity to get professional and diverse experiences. I think the assignment of personally planning an advertisement especially gave me the confidence to pursue my dream.”

PRAD Camp is more meaningful because of the fact that it presented a successful case of department-oriented admission promotion where the professors and students of the department personally planned, promoted, and progressed the program rather than former admission promotions focused on general high school teachers progressed by the admissions office. Student Seo Ji-ae (Department of Public Relations & Advertising 16) who participated in the planning and operation of the camp said, “The PRAD Camp is gaining nationwide popularity from high school students who are interested in the PR field. I think it is a great opportunity for the students to get a hands-on experience in the major that they will study in college as well as achieving promotional effect for the department. I hope this type of promotional model can be expanded to other departments.”