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The first to clarify the structure of the protein that causes amyloidosis in kidney dialysis patient

  • Views 1008
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2015-10-12

Professor Ham’s research was supported by the Samsung Science & Technology Foundation, and will be published in the online version of the international journal Scientific Reports on September 8. Scientific Report is a sister journal of the top international journal Nature, and an online open access journal that deals with natural science.



According to Professor Ham, amyloidosis in kidney dialysis patients is a serious disease, and can lead to clinical diseases such as arthritis, fracture induction, osteocystoma, or carpal tunnel syndrome. The cause of this disease is cohesion of a protein called b-2-microglobulin. There was no accurate knowledge on the structure of the protein cohesion of the cohesion mechanism until now.

Therefore, the research team used methods including computer simulations of not just the cause protein, but also the protein that induces diseases in the frequently found mutant protein, and a dynamic thermodynamics research methodology to clarify it at an atom level.


The dynamic thermodynamics method independently developed by Professor Ham’s research team in particular was introduced on the cover (see photograph on right) of Account of Chemical Research (IF=24.3), the top journal in chemistry, in June, last year. It is a source technology that international pharmaceutical companies are interested in as it is expected to play a core role in treating protein related diseases.

Professor Ham said, “By clarifying the cause and structure of protein that causes amyloidosis related to kidney dialysis treatment we have made research for development of new drugs targeted at this protein possible,” and added, “I hope it will provide a turning point for several follow-up studies on related areas.”

Professor Shi-hyun Ham was selected as the head researcher of the main project of the Samsung Future Technology Training Business last year based on his performance of clarifying the process of cohesion of dementia protein for the first time in the world, and won the ‘Female Scientist and Technician of the Year Award.’ She is currently the Head of the Sookmyung Women’s University Nano Bio Molecule Network Center.