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Our university expands research exchange and dispatch of student interns with Hyflux, Singapore

  • Views 930
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2015-12-15

President of our university Sun-hye Hwang visited the global company Hyflux in Singapore on the 27th, and closed a contract for global internships for our students and research cooperation, with the CEO of Hyflux.


According to the agreement, the two parties agreed to expand the global internship program for out students, and strengthen academic and research exchange, and discussed methods of providing scholarships and holding a global forum on the themes of women, the environment, and health.



In 2013, our university awarded CEO Lum with an honorary doctorate degree, and closed an agreement regarding dispatch of our students as interns. This is recorded as a successful model, as some of the students who took an internship at the time were employed as full-time employees. The new agreement expands the internship range from the existing marketing, PR and advertising, and multimedia, to include life science. Therefore, students with diverse majors are expected to be able to have chances of global internships and employment.


In addition, the two parties agreed to establish a close research cooperation system between research organizations of our school, such as the Women’s Health Research Center, and Hyflux, and take on global issues together, such as climate change. President Hwang said, “We hope to improve our training of excellent female human resources and reinforce our research capacity through cooperation with the international company Hyflux.”

