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2016 admission ceremony and Sookmyung family welcoming ceremony

  • Views 728
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-02-26

The stage of festivity for welcoming the new students of this year and the celebration of 110th anniversary of Sookmyung was held. On February 16, a grand 2016 admission and sookmyung family welcoming ceremony was held at the Jamsil Gymnasium in Seoul. The event was attended by more than a total of 4,000 people, which included new students, parents, current students, alumni, faculty, among others.




This admission ceremony that was held with the catch phrase “Sookmyung, proud new name of my life” was prepared to welcome the new students starting their promising college life and their families to the family of Sookmyung and to boost their spirit of passion and challenge.




The admission ceremony was divided into 3 parts. The first part included viewing of the school promotional video, learning the school song, performance by the cheerleading squad, etc., and the actual admission ceremony began with the entrance of the color guard in the second part. First, a representing new student came on stage and took an oath, and it was followed by award of scholarship certificates. Then, our university’s Director Lee Don-hui and President Sunhye Hwang gave their congratulatory messages, wishing the new students a meaningful college life.




Our university has been presenting This Year’s Awards to Sookmyung family at each admission ceremony, and 2 special alumni were selected this year. The honor went to Kwan Mi-gyeong (graduated with physics major in ‘97), General Manager of Head Office of CJ E&M Korean Film Department, who emerged as one of the most important figures in the domestic film industry by sweeping first, second, and third places in the Korean film box office. The other awardee was student Kim Juk-hyeon (graduated with piano major in ‘12) who took the first prize in piano category at the Padova International Music Competition in Italy last year.




The third part of the ceremony was the highlight of the day. The grand performance of our university’s dance club MAX kicked-off the celebratory performance, and the hot atmosphere in the gymnasium reached the climax when the invited singer Eric Nam came onto the stage. The students rose from their seats and enjoyed their first step toward college life with their new friends and celebrated their proud membership to the family of Sookmyung.




After the admission ceremony, the 2,400 new students got onto buses that were divided into each department and headed to different parts of the country such as Chungju, Yeongwol, Gimpo, and Yeongjongdo, where orientations were held for two days. An affiliate of the Student Support Team said, “I hope the students can continue the passion they showed today up to their senior year and make the best of their college life.”

