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Our university business team newly selected for BK21 plus business

  • Views 696
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-01-18

Two of our university business teams were newly selected for the ‘BK 21 plus business mid-evaluation preliminary results’ announced by the Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation of Korea on December 23.


The BK21 plus business is a business that has invested around 269.7 billion won each year for seven years since 2013 so new academic generations to lead the creative economy can focus stably on academics and research, and has supported around 13,000 researchers in the science and technology field, around 2,500 in the liberal arts, and a total of around 15,5000 master’s degree and PhD level scholars. A total of 1,023 business groups participated in the mid-evaluation, including 544 existing business groups and 479 new businesses, and a total of 546 groups, including our university, made it through the preliminary selection.


The groups that were selected from our university were the Next Generation Female Leader Training Business Team based on bio fusion chemistry research led by Professor Shi-hyun Ham of the Department of Chemistry, and the Multisignal-based Cell Function Integrated Researcher Training Business Team led by Professor Young Yang of the Department of Biological Science.



            Professor Young Yang                                                   Professor Shi-hyun Ham            


The Research Office of our university analyzed the failed selection results of the 2013 business groups, and decide there was a need for a strategy and support by the university to create a new business team that would be selected for the 2015 mid-evaluation. Therefore, it attended the BK21 plus mid-evaluation hearing according to each sector held in 2014, gained an understanding of the direction of the mid-evaluation, and established a strategy that followed.


Based on this direction, a university competition was held in September, 2014, for businesses. A total of seven preliminary business teams were selected, improved indexes for the BK21 plus business were encouraged, and a systematic strategy and support system were established through continuous business team manager meetings and related department head meetings.

As a result, two new business teams made the very competitive cut for the BK21 plus business mid-evaluation, where 125 existing business teams failed, and 23.3% of all business teams were replaced.




Research Center Head Chung-il Chun said, “The new BK21 plus business selection was the result of reinforced graduate school research capabilities through the support of the preliminary business teams, and we will use this opportunity to strengthen the excellent research capacity of our university and research competitiveness of our graduate schools,” and added, “It is a shame that not all the teams were selected, but we will use our stronger internal competitiveness to win academia-industry related government support projects and mid- to large-scale research projects in 2016.”