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Our university graduate student publishes two studies top international journals

  • Views 674
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2015-09-08

Chengping Li, who is a student of the Life Systems in our graduate school, published two consecutive studies on cancer biology and molecular biology in internationally prestigious SCI indexed journals. The studies were the results of research on TRIP-Br1, a cancer-inducing gene that interferes with the control of tumor creation and death of cells, and TRIP-Br3, a cancer prevention gene.


Through experiments using various different breast cancer cells, Li was the first to reveal that TRIP-Br1 and TRIP-Br3 play important roles in tumor creation and programmed cell death (self-extinguishing, cell death, cell necrosis, etc.), and revealed that the two genes can be very important indexes for predicting tumor creation, and can play the role of a target for an anti-cancer drug. 

These results were published consecutively in the April and August issues of the expert journal Oncotarget (citation factor 6.63), which ranks in the top 10 percent for international cancer biology. Li also published two studies as the first author in the International Journal of Oncology (citation factor 3.03), making a total of four studies published in international journals during her PhD course.

Chengping Li graduated from ___ in China, and entered the graduate school of our university in the Department of Biological Science Master’s course in 2009. She received her PhD degree in Life Systems (academic advisor Myung-suk Lee). She said, “I was able to publish many studies through joint cooperation with the members of Professor Myung-suk Lee’s laboratory,” and added, “I am thankful that the school and department took great considerations for me so I could overcome my limitations as a foreigner and communicate with the members.”