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“K-POP dance captivates crowds in Senegal,” Flavor Explosion - MAX Cultural Exchange Association

  • Views 898
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-02-26

The “Flavor Explosion” MAX team was selected by the 2015 visiting Korean exchange program - [Sookmyung, sharing with the world: cultural exchange, cultural value, diversity] that was organized by the Korean Culture Institute. The team visited Senegal in January with the theme “Beautiful exchange - Let’s spread the beauty of Korea!”




The MAX team arrived in Dakar after a long 18-hour flight from the Incheon Airport. They received great applause from the local crowds at the Daniel Sorano National Theater provided by the South Korean Embassy in Senegal through elevated and diverse performances such as K-POP dance, taekwondo, and street dance using masks. Senegalese national television RTS TV news and local newspaper reported that “the performances reflected the hopes to advance the cultural exchange between Senegal and Korea, and the crowds applauded with great fascination of Korean culture.”




Cultural exchange events were also held with ISM students who are part of our university’s exchange program. With the start of PT presentation introducing Korean culture, diverse experiential programs were prepared such as △ documentary video of Korean foods and historic sites, △ experience of traditional Korean games such as yunnori, jianzi, and top-spinning, △ calligraphy experience with traditional Korean paper, brush, and ink, as well as, △ tasting Korean food and gift giving. The ISM students also enjoyed the festival by holding a traditional Senegalese food tasting and a mini fashion show of traditional costumes.


Meanwhile, the MAX team performed at a total of 5 stages after the first performance such as performance for SALY ISM students, performance for Saint Louis locals and ISM students, invitational performance at the famous Senegalese designer fashion show, and unscheduled performance for the Korean community in Senegal.



The students who successfully finished the event through the mutual support from the South Korean Embassy in Senegal and ISM said, “The concerts that were attended by most of the Koreans living in Senegal was an opportunity to feel the love for their people and the country, and I came to appreciate our culture and country more by meeting our university’s alumni there as well.” In addition, they expressed their experience by saying, “Even after arriving in Korea, I still feel the excitement of cultural sharing with the Senegalese people that were sincerely prepared by our team through the opportunity, and it brought a big change within in me.”

