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The Beauty of Sookmyungians: the Beautiful Store Bazaar

  • Views 750
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-05-27

Look around your room.  Is there anything you haven’t used in a long while? Those items, while useless to you, could be valuable to someone else. Sookmyung Women’s University in partnership with Beautiful Store, a social enterprise that aims to create a beautiful world of sharing and circulation where everyone participates in, collaborated to show students and visitors that even a small hand can make the world beautiful.


On Tuesday May 3rd, the Social Service Center hosted a bazaar named “A Beautiful Day at Sookymyung Women’s University” together with Beautiful Store at Multipurpose Hall from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.  The event was held with support from faculty, students, and external aids. Various items were donated and sold at the bazaar including clothes, handmade snacks, shoes, and bags.


Sookmyungians were able to purchase items they needed as well as enjoy delicious snacks at reasonable prices. Jeong Nakseop, Director of the International Cooperation Headquarters for Beautiful Store, said, “Beautiful Store decided to co-host the bazaar with Sookmyung Women’s University in order to raise funds that will be used as scholarship money for Sookmyungians and to help teenagers leaving orphanages to stand on with their own feet.” During the bazaar, numerous Sookmyungian volunteers arranged the items for display and acted as sellers. Cho Eunhae, a student from the Department of Business Administration ’16, said, “I volunteered to work during the bazaar not because I could receive volunteer work credit hours, but because I believe the experience would be a stepping stone to becoming more involved with other types of volunteer work in the future.” Even though the bazaar lasted just five hours, it warmed the hearts of Sookmyungians.



Reporter: Kim Kim Hyuna (The Sookmyung Times)