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International Students Workshop with Fontys University of Applied Sciences

  • Views 3253
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2017-05-29

The Department of Food and Nutrition and the Research Institute of Women’s Health of Sookmyung Women's University jointly organized an international students workshop, on the campus on March 28, 2017, inviting the faculty of Fontys University of Applied Sciences (UAS) of the Netherlands.




Fontys UAS is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in southern Netherlands with more than 40,000 students and 4,000 faculty members. Fontys Academy for Creative Industries (FONTYS ACI), in particular, is highly recognized for its high-quality, industry-collaborative curriculum with a key focus on nurturing "creativity" for improvement of the quality of life. 




Sookmyung and Fontys have had active faculty exchanges since establishing sister relations. This workshop was first proposed by Dean and Professor Kim Hyun-Sook of the College of Human Ecology (Department of Food and Nutrition) while she was visiting Fontys. 




The Fontys delegation of 4 professors and 25 students started the day at Sookmyung Korea Food Institute, learning to make Korean dishes such as Bibimbap and Kimchi. This was followed by a special lecture delivered by the Fontys professors, entitled . Afterwards, the group toured the Sookmyung campus, appreciating the history and cultural assets of the school.




The workshop started at 5:30 p.m. in Queen Sunheon Building on the campus, attended by over 70 participants and students from the Department of Food and Nutrition. The workshop featured presentations and discussions on comparative analysis of lifestyles in the two countries as well as sharing of the impressions of Korea.




“While we have had a lot of faculty exchanges as part of our vision for global education, we haven't had enough at the students level. In that sense, it was very meaningful and rewarding to finally have our students meet each other today and share on the topic of "creative thinking," said the host and Dean Kim Hyun-Sook.


Translation by Sookmyung Interpretation Volunteers