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"Lights are always on at the Metaverse Library," Snowverse 2.0 opens

  • Views 1708
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2023-01-09

Sook-myung Kim (pseudonym), a student at Sookmyung Women’s University, doesn't worry about reserving a seat at the library even during her final exam period. This is because she can visit the virtual library implemented in the same way as the real world via “Snowverse”, the metaverse campus developed by Sookmyung Women’s University. You can sit in your preferred seat in the virtual library and conduct a cam-study (a popular method of sharing studying in real time on cam to improve learning efficiency) alone or with friends, or you can conduct a video conference with no time limit. Until now, it was difficult to use the library due to the limited seating capacity and operating hours during each exam period, but now no matter where you are, you can simply connect to Snowverse to study with your friends and improve your academic efficiency..



Studying at the Metaverse Library


Sookmyung Women’s University opened Snowverse 2.0, a metaverse campus, and took another step ahead in the digital innovation race. Snowverse 2.0 is an upgraded version of Snowverse, an existing metaverse platform, and it succeeded in realizing a more realistic campus life by adding functions such as counseling rooms, PR halls, and auditoriums, as well as “Study with Me”, where students gather in the Metaverse Library to study together.


Previously, in order to lead digital convergence innovation and create an educational environment where online and offline campuses coexist, Sookmyung Women’s University collaborated with LG U+ last year to build its own metaverse platform “Snowverse”. Sookmyung Women’s University is the first to introduce its own platform specialized for universities instead of utilizing the existing metaverse platform.


Receiving counseling in the metaverse


The school has already successfully held a school festival last year, a campus tour for new students in February this year, and a job fair on the metaverse. In particular, Snowverse 3D modeled the actual campus 100% in the same way as the real thing, and in the process of building its own platform, it actively reflected the opinions of students and continuously upgraded its functions.


The most prominent service in Snowverse 2.0 is “Study with Me”, where you can study and conduct team projects in the virtual library. Without the need to install a separate application, you can access it directly from the web and sit in a seat in the Metaverse Library, where the cam is activated, and you can set study goals and BGM as well. Also, when you start studying, your study time is recorded and you can conduct chats and video chats. All students who participate in Study With Me will be ranked for their study time, and students who rank at the top of the cumulative study time can engrave their names on the chairs that are to be newly replaced at the Central Library sponsored by Shinhan Bank.


Permanent Public Relations Hall

Students listening to an employment lecture in the metaverse


The counseling room, which is new to Snowverse 2.0, can be booked in advance on the SNOWAY website, a comprehensive portal for student career management, and then Snowverse can be accessed on the corresponding day to conduct online counseling. Anonymous consultation is also available for students who wish to remain anonymous. The PR Hall implements two PR offices, the Admissions Information Center and the Career Development Plus Center, respectively, where students can receive various video and image materials. The metaverse auditorium, which accommodates up to 300 people at the same time, can share PPT and video materials, and provides a chat function to conduct special extracurricular lectures and academic events on the metaverse.


Snowverse Library fully realized the 1st and 2nd floors of the Central Library with 3D modeling


Sookmyung Women’s University was selected for the SW-centric University Project this year, and with the aim to become a “human-centric digital innovation platform where technology and social innovation meet,” it plans to upgrade the digital education environment so that students can experience all the activities they can enjoy at the university from admission to graduation in the metaverse. The Office of Data Strategy said, "We will continue to work to serve as a platform to promote student activities and educational cooperation with the community."