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A team of students wins grand prize at ‘70th Anniversary of Independence UCC Competition'

  • Views 623
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2015-09-08

On August 12, students from our Department of History & Culture – Sul-ha Kim, Hye-jin Kim, and Hye-in Nam — were awarded the Minister of Gender Equality and Family Award at the ‘4th Pop Women’s History UCC Competition — Looking For Forgotten Women’s Movement Heroes’ hosted by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family and held at the National Women’s History Exhibition Hall to celebrate 70 years of independence.

The Pop Women’s History UCC Competition is a competition held by the National Women’s History Exhibition Hall to shed new light on the value of women’s history together with the spread of gender equality awareness. To celebrate 70 years of independence, the theme of this competition was to encourage popular understanding of the ‘Korean Independent Women’s Declaration’ announced in February, 1919, and reilluminate women’s movement activists. 


The Sul-ha Kim, Hye-jin Kim, and Hye-in Nam team focused on the fact that although men and women participated in the Independence Movement, many people only remembered the male activists, and created a piece that dealt with the Songjukhwae in 1913, and the ‘Korean Independent Women’s Declaration’ that awoke the soul of the people, and told the stories of the support and help of the “mothers” and “wives” of independence activists, brave female independence activists who participated in armed fights, and heroines who were not honored by the country. The piece was titled, “The Independence Movement — We All Played a Part.”

Youtube video link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzslcJnzxE8)

The students explained their intentions, “We wanted to make it know that the Independence Movement was the result of efforts made by both men and women, and introduce the stories of women activists, and female heroines we had forgotten.”



Hye-in Nam said, “As a student of history and culture, I am very happy to have received such a big award,” and added, “Additionally, I realized the importance of patriotism as I researched the lives of female independence activists and conducted interviews for the competition.”