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Our university receives top evaluation for Joongang Ilbo ‘University education quality evaluation’

  • Views 855
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2015-09-08

Joongang Ilbo conducted a ‘University education quality evaluation’ to celebrate 50 years of the newspaper, and our university received an ‘excellent’ evaluation that is only given to the top 10-25 percent. This is the result of one-on-one interviews the newspaper conducted with 6,800 students of the top 37 universities.

Our university stands shoulder in shoulder in the excellent evaluation with Sogang University, Sungkyunkwan University and Ewha Women’s University, among others, after Chonnam National University, POSTECH, and KAIST, which got the highest evaluations. In terms of specific categories, we received excellent results for the following: time spent on preparing for class (6th), our professor actively communicatees with students (7th), our department changes the curriculum based on changing trends (7th), there are a lot of scholarships and the beneficiaries are selected fairly (10th), I am generally satisfied with the English-speaking classes of our university (2nd), and I am satisfied with the exchange student and language programs (9th).


Our university was especially found to spend the most time on preparing for class (preparation, revision, homework) among universities in Seoul. Our total time of 14.7 hours was more than Seoul National University (14.6 hours) and Ewha Women’s University (13.9 hours). We were analyzed to have so much homework that some students called us “Sookjae Women’s University (‘sookjae’ is Korean for ‘homework’),” and the hours spent using the library also had a big effect on the good results. In addition, encouragement of autonomous studies through academic support programs such as a high number of tutors, and study groups was also found to be an important element.

Our diverse international exchange programs were also highly evaluated, including the Korea Ali-Go program, which started in 1999. The program has sent a total of 2,920 students overseas for global investigations and as public diplomatic envoys to make Korea known. We also have the Sookmyung Global Best program that dispatches academically excellent students to prestigious international universities overseas.


The results of this evaluation show that our university, which is not as big as some of the larger universities with over 200,000 students, has strong competitiveness in terms of education quality. Above all, it is largely significant in that they are the result of direct one-on-one interviews with students, who are the consumers of education.