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APWINC back from showing off global capacity at international Expo in the US

  • Views 930
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2014-12-05

APWINC has been conducting a project titled Innovative Strategies for Andean Women’s Participation in Digital Economy, sponsored by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for three years, since 2012. The goal of this project is to use ICT to conduct entrepreneurship, economy and business education for local women in Peru, Columbia and Ecuador, to strengthen the social and economic capacity of women. 



From November 17 to 21, APWINC participated in the ‘2014 Global South-South Development Expo’ in Washington DC, where it exhibited and promoted the performance of this recent project. Doctor Danis Nkala, the Asian region supervisor of UNDP, visited our university’s booth and evaluated, “This is the project that comes the closest to the ideal of women’s capacity strengthening, a big current issue in the UN, and ICT application combined with the UN.”

In addition, we received positive feedback for being an excellent cooperative model from other participants of a workshop that included 6 organizations participating in the UNDP project, such as Seoul National University and Hanyang University, government and organization personnel, and multilateral organization related experts. Based on the positive results, APWINC even conducted discussions on the current Inter-American Development Bank and potential follow-up projects.



Since its establishment in 1996, APWINC has been working on strengthening the capacity of women using ICT, through cooperative projects with Korean and other governments and international organizations, companies and NGOs. In 1998, it was selected as a ‘UNESCO Chair Operation Organization for Communication and Technology for Women,’ and has since been fulfilling its role as an expert research organization that leads the global age through joint projects with UNDP, ASEAN, the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Gender Equality & Family, the Korea Creative Content Agency, the Korea International Cooperation Agency, and the KT Cultural Foundation. 



It is currently working on the joint Korean—ASEAN project titled ‘Development and Application of Daily e-Services for ASEAN Women,’ and plans to conduct the ‘Socio-economic Empowerment of ASEAN Women through ICT Literacy and Leadership Education Strategy’ in 2015, together with ‘Training for Competitiveness Strengthening of Agricultural Women (Africa) (2013-2015)’ and the ‘Invited Training Program to Strengthen Policy Administrative Capacity of Indonesian Women’ as a part of the Capacity Development Project of the Korea International Cooperation Agency.

Director of APWINC Kim Myung-hee said, “We will continue to conduct research related to international organizations, government organizations, international NGOs, gender and ICT and cultural contents projects, and work  on academic activities, education and training and establishment of domestic and international networks, to fulfill our role as an expert research organization that leads the global age.”