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"Imagination is the preview of what would happen in the future" Special speech of Josette Sheeran

  • Views 1587
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2014-02-07

"A leader is different from a boss. We think we can change the world when we have become a boss. However, the people who are really changing the world are leaders of all levels of society"

Last Nov 8 (Friday), a special speech was given by the president of Asia Society Josette Sheeran at Centennial Memorial Hall Samsung Convention Center. Under the theme " What it means to be a leader : Advice to the next generation of Korean women leaders", President Sheeran emphasized to our students in audience that anyone can be a leader.

President Sheeran has served as the editor-in-chief of The Washington Times, the Vice-Minister of the Department of State and the secretary-general of U.N. World Food Program. Last year she served the World Economic Forum which hosts the Davos Forum as the vice-chairman. In 2011 she was selected as one of the 30 most influential women in the world, and Foreign Policy (an American magazine) included her in the 100 people you must follow on Twitter. In June of this year, she was appointed as the president of Asia Society. Asia Society is a global nonprofit and nonpolitical organization that was founded in 1956 by John D. Rockefeller 3rd. to deepen ties and understanding among the people of Asia-Pacific and the United States.

In her special speech, she said, " One ordinary greengrocer in Tunisia set fire to himself against the government's policy, and it led to a movement for democracy (referring to "Jasmine Revolution"). Also, one girl in Pakistan who fought for women's right to education against Taliban's shooting touched the world. Anyone can be a leader who can change the world".

President Sheeran who was once the editor-in-chief of a magazine company told her own experience, "Overcoming oneself is necessary to make one's dream come true. When I was in university, my dream was to become a journalist. But I was too shy, so even the president of the university told me it would be impossible. One day I met a famous female journalist in Washington. She seemed so nervous that she even wanted to throw up but when the camera started rolling, she all the sudden turned into a confident professional journalist. I was greatly encouraged by her, and told myself 'I can do it, too'"

Also, she advised, " A successful person is the one who pursues passion, not money. Parents or friends may give a great deal of pressure on you to have a secure job and life, but if you believe in yourself and work hard, then one day you will make your dream come true".

"Imagination is the preview of what would happen in the future" using a quote of Einstein, she said, "If you have an idea, try it fearlessly". She also explained that Twitter and Facebook have become the universal means of communication and K-POP is being loved worldwide. It is a good result from a combination of imagination and challenges".

She emphasized the importance of generosity, understanding and sympathy several times. Mentioning the late Nelson Mandela the great leader of South Africa as the man she admires the most, she said "Nelson Mandela had been imprisoned for 27 years because he was a black man. But he chose forgiveness over anger to make the world a better place for generations to come. He is a truly great hero". President Sheeran also added, "According to a research, only 10% of people can keep their warm heart when a great power is given. Having a warm heart is more important than storing up knowledge". After her speech was over, she had a Q&A time. One student asked her what were the strengths that only women leaders could have, and she answered "Women understand, symphasize and assist other people better than men. Therefore, many women with strong mentality should become global leaders to change the world".