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“You are next to be active on the international stage!"

  • Views 1282
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2014-08-19

Ka-young Kim, a student majoring in political diplomacy at our university, recently received a final acceptance letter from the global company Hiflux. The Hiflux headquarters is located in Singapore, and it is one of the biggest water treatment companies in the world with sales of 450 million dollars. Kim always wanted to work at a foreign company, and as part of the overseas internship hosted by the International Cooperation Team, she will be interning at the company for around three months.



Her duties will be B2B marketing, market research and exhibition preparations. It is not related to her major and she is not used to the language, but Kim showed great passion to learn from the beginning and excellent duty abilities, and ended up receiving a final employment acceptance from the company one day before she returned to Korea. Kim said, "I wanted to find out what I could do if I worked on a global stage, and this was a great opportunity for me to accumulate a career in the global marketing field, which is the area I wanted to work in," and added, "I hope younger students at our university who want to advance overseas will not just look for opportunities outside the school, but gain many benefits through the various on-campus programs."


Our university is operating an overseas internship system to help students accumulate duty abilities and experience in their major or field of interest. In 2014, a total of 31 students will be taking internships in 8 countries, including the United States, Singapore and Australia. The organizations they go to work in are not just foreign companies, but diverse, including local branches of Korean companies, overseas universities and international organizations.

Just like the case of Ka-young Kim, excellent human resources are designing successful careers each semester after a precious experience overseas. An international cooperation team personnel said, "We receive many e-mails from overseas organizations saying the students who did an internship there were very impressive," and "I think the unique leadership of Sookmyung members is being demonstrated past borders and surpassing languages."

Participants being dispatched in the second semester and summer semester this year were selected in March, and applicants for internships in the first semester of 2015 will submit their applications and be selected in September. Go to the International Cooperation Team website for more details on overseas internships (http://exchange.sookmyung.ac.kr).