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How much do you know about Canada? Cool Canada in Seoul event at the university library.

  • Views 1656
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2013-08-08

Our university reached a duty agreement with the Canadian embassy in Korea in April to celebrate 50 year of Korea - Canada diplomatic relations, and opened the 'Cool Canada in Seoul' exhibition at the central library. The main program is the Canadian writers' book exhibition in the International Women's Literature Hall. A program that introduces the works of major Canadian writers including Lucy Maud Montgomery, who is famous for writing "Pippi Longstocking," Gwendolyn MacEwen, and Margaret Atwood is on display at the International Women's Literature Hall gallery. There is a photography exhibition showing the North Pole from Canada in the library lobby.


A photograph exhibition on Dr. Schofield, known as the 34th democratic representative during the March 1 Movement for Independence is another interesting event. Dr. Schofield came to Korea as a missionary when our country was under Japanese rule, and is a pro-Korean who helped the independence movement by reporting photographs of the March 1 Movement for Independence and Jaeamri incident to the world. He permanently settled in Korea in 1958 and taught at universities including Seoul National University and Yonsei University, and was the first foreigner to be buried at the patriots' grave at the National Cemetery.

There is also an exhibition displaying material related to James Scarth Gale, who translated the illustrations and novels of the first modern novel translated to Korean, "Cheolloyeokjeong (by John Bunyan)." Dr. Gale translated several Korean books to English, including "Guwunmong," "Chunhyangjeon," "Shimcheongjeon" and "Heungbujeon," and made them known overseas.


The library will hold the 'Cool Canada in Seoul' event until July 19. However, the North Pole exhibition and Canadian documentary exhibition held at the Hong Eun-won video hall on the second floor of the library will only be open until June