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‘Global best, Sookmyung,' accumulating global achievements

  • Views 1287
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2014-05-09

Our university closed an exchange agreement with NTU (Nanyang Technological University), also known as the 'MIT of Asia.' The group of visitors from our school, including President Hwang Sun-hye, visited NTU in Singapore on Monday, the 13th, and signed a general exchange agreement and student exchange agreement with President Bertil Andersson of NTU. The two agreed to dispatch exchange students as a condition of mutual benefit. Therefore, up to 6 students per year will be able to attend both schools each year.



NTU is a prestigious university that ranked 41st in the world in the international universities ranking announced by the British university evaluation organization QS, in 2013. It moved up 36 spots in the last 4 years, and is one of the hottest universities in Asia these days. It especially boasts top international competitiveness in the natural sciences and engineering, such as IT, NT and BT, as it receives full government support and has invited R&D centers.



Our university not only closed an exchange agreement with NTU, but also discussed joint conferences, seminars and special lectures for students, and agreed on short exchange programs such as SISS. In addition, positive directions such as student exchange and professor exchange programs were discussed with the National University of Singapore, which the group visited on Wednesday, the 15th.


Meanwhile, President Hwang Sun-hye met with President Olivia Lum of Hyflux Group, who received an honorary doctoral degree from our university in September, last year, and received a promise to support Sookmyung Women's University.



At the meeting with our president on Tuesday, the 14th, President Lum invited a student intern to Hyflux, including a round-trip plane ticket and a monthly salary of 2,000 Singapore dollars. She also agreed to create an 'Olivia Lum Honor's Club' and support a mentor program for around 20 students per year. There are also plans for a program that provides scholarships for foreign students who live in difficult circumstances but have potential. The group also visited the Hyflux headquarters and seawater desalination plant, and attended a welcome dinner and exchanged gifts, creating a stronger relationship between the two organizations.



External Cooperations Department Director Park Cheon-il said, "Sookmyung has achieved great external accomplishments according to its Global Best strategy, including not only exchange with a prestigious university, but also support from a global company," and revealed, "We will make efforts to become a cradle of women's education that is noticed not only in Asia, but in the world."