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Invited Lecture by a world-class scholar and a Nobel laureate, Professor Kurt Wuthrich

  • Views 1409
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2013-06-10

Last March 20th, Wednesday, our university invited Dr. Wuthrich and held a special lecture on the topic of ‘Exploring the Protein Universe with Tools of Physical Chemistry’ at Gemma Hall in the College of Pharmacy.


Dr. Wuthrich, who is a world-class scholar in the field of Prion protein (which causes BSE, or commonly mad cow disease) structure analysis and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (herein after referred to as ‘NMR’), has been acknowledged for this contributions regarding protein structure interpretation utilizing NMR, and has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2002.


Dr. Wuthrich is currently a professor of macromolecules and biophysics at the Institute of Technology Zurich (herein after referred to as ‘ETH’), and a visiting professor at The Scripps Research Institute, and has academic ties with Korea as a World-Class University (herein after referred to as ‘WCU) visiting professor.


During the special lecture, Dr. Wuthrich captivated the attention of the audience with the introduction of photographs and graphic data of his accomplishments regarding his protein research. He also informed the audience that “In order to become a great scientist, you first, need to find the field you find interesting,” and that “interest is what leads to success.”


This day’s lecture exhibited a very high interest in the lecture, with a full-house of audience, consisting of students of the Department of Chemistry, as well as professors and students from other departments, and audiences who weren’t able to find seats but were willing to attend the lecture while standing in the back row. A student, Ms. Yun-ji Lee (Chemistry Major, Class of ‘10) conveyed her thoughts regarding the lecture stating, “It was a very honorable event because I was given the opportunity to speak with a Nobel laureate 1 on 1.”