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“Have the President’s rice balls for good luck!” A distribution of refreshments during midterms

  • Views 1528
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2012-11-07

This unique event is held in our university during midterms and finals. A variety of refreshments are distributed to the students to encourage them to do well. A bizarre scene of students standing in line to receive their refreshments can be seen 4 times a year at the Soon Hun Building Square.

This year’s midterms were special because, Dr. Hwang, who was inaugurated as university president last September, took part in the event to fulfill a campaign promise. Dr. Hwang stressed the need to communicate with students as she distributed, ‘delicious and nutritionally healthy rice balls’ to the students.

At 11 in the morning on the day of the event, Dr. Hwang, along with Department heads, and other professors put on their aprons and fed approximately 1000 students with rice balls, soup, and bananas while wishing their students luck on their tests.

The refreshment distribution event, held every semester, is run by the Student Culture Welfare Team as a way to promote intimacy between professors and students. “It may be simple refreshment, but it is very popular with students weary from testing. We are planning more events to increase their satisfaction in school life,” says one member of the team.