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SNOW hosts Forum on Mobile Knowledge

  • Views 1805
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2011-03-28

Sookmyung Network to Open World(SNOW) held a forum in Jin-li-gwan Building on Jan 22nd. Many invited guest speakers took part in the forum and put fourth different views on the topic ‘Knowledge Sharing and Creativity.’

The SNOW Forum titled ''Production of Knowledge and Creative Collaboration Meet Mobility'' went off with flying color. Not only students but office workers and many other people also attended the forum.

The forum was organized to have a place in which people share information on collective Intelligence and knowledge ecology which brought new ways of producing and distributing knowledge in commemoration of newly launched online collaboration system ''SNOW Wiki'' service. Eight specialists in the specific fields of the regarding topic were invited and delivered special lectures. At the welcome address, SNOW Project Director Jiseon Lee said, "I expect more information shared here will create more knowledge."

The forum consisted of four parts. Jongsoo Yoon, the presiding judge at Incheon District Court who brought Creative Commons Licensing(CCL) Movement into Korea, Juwan Yoo, the high school student who had developed a popular I-Phone application named ''Seoul Bus'' by himself, Woonjang Han from the online learning ecology ''Filtong.net,'' Jihoon Noh, the person who led the online presentation tool ''Prezi'' to be koreanized, and many other guest speakers who had unique ideas and experiences were invited. As leaders of the Korean IT field such as General Director Daewook Bang at Daum Foundation who introduced ''Knowledge Sharing Project,'' TEDxSeoul Activist Yujin Lee, and representatives of planning department at Daum Agora and Naver, the leading online places for Collective Intelligence were also invited, and heated discussion in the forum.

Judge Jongsoo Yon said, "It is the age of CCL now. CCL defies conventional wisdom and offers everyone equal opportunities to reach any types of contents. In this process, knowledge evolves non-stop."

Daeun Sohn, a Mathematics major freshman, who has taken SNOW classes regularly stated, "I would like to share the knowledge I obtain from now on." She made her mind to do so, after attending the forum.

"We hope the Mobile Knowledge Forum we prepared would offer the debate table for people who agonize over the online collaborative system and want to share information regarding it for creating knowledge and spreading it," SNOW development team said.