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Moving towards the world, Sookmyung 'leads' non-governmental diplomacy

  • Views 1006
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2015-07-09

In support of Global Best, our university had recently further strengthened exchange and cooperation with Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (group of countries that speak French as their first language) countries. 

Our university had successfully held the 12th Korea-France Forum in Paris, France, on June 25. 

The Korea-France Forum is a private conference system that is participated by influential figures in Korean and French politics, economy, culture, and education. It has been recognized as a contribution to the revitalization of exchange in the private sector by sharing honest opinions on major issues between the two countries and by reinforcing future-oriented cooperative relationship. Our university has been co-organizing the forum with Korea Foundation (KF) and Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI) since 2013. We also have the experience of holding a successful 11th forum last year, which was held in Korea. 


Participants of the two countries poses for a commemorative photo at the 12th Korea-France Forum held on June 25 in Paris, France. 

At the Korea-France Forum, the Korean delegation included persons affiliated with our university such as President Hwang, Choi Dong-ju, Dean of Office of External Affairs, and Mun Si-yeon, Director of Korean Culture Institute, as well as, Yu Hyun-seok, President of KF, Mo Chul-min, Korean Ambassador to France, Choung Byoung-gug, Member of the National Assembly (Saenuri Party), Lim Jong-in, Special Advisor to the President for National Security in South Korea, and so on. The French delegation included Thierry de Monbrial, President of IFRI, Jean Pierre Chevènement, President of Respublica Foundation, Patrice Martin-Lalande, Member of National Assembly, Emmanuel Lenain, Director for Asia-Oceania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Philippe Zeller, Ambassador at Large for Climate Negotiations for Asia and Oceania, and so on. 

At the forum the participants exchanged extensive opinions on subjects such as △ future of the Korean peninsula from the perspective of geopolitics and world economy; △ cyberspace from the perspective of economy, politics, and security; △ current status of countries prior to COP21 conference; △ and new trends in innovation in Korea and France. Our university received acclaim as a co-organizer from the relevant event organizers for contributing to the smooth progress of the forum. 


Photo commemorating the exchange MOU with Le Havre University and photo of library tour

After the Korea-France Forum, President Hwang Sun-hye visited the University of Le Havre, which signed a new MOU with our university, and agreed to expand exchange concerning students, faculty and research, and furthermore, to actively promote opening of demonstration lecture with KF-Global e-School, implementation of international coalition service, mutual cultural visits, etc. 

Meanwhile, the visiting team paid a courtesy visit to the presidents of Senegal and Cote d'Ivoire in Africa and have also successfully expanded exchange with local prestigious schools. 


Visiting the President of Senegal, Macky Sall       Meeting with Senegal Minister of Education

On June 30, President Hwang Sun-hye paid a courtesy visit to the President of Senegal, Mack Sall, and introduced our exchange status with prestigious International School of Dakar and Gaston Berger University in Senegal and conveyed her hopes to create a win-win opportunity by actively participating in Senegal universities' globalization projects in the future. Senegal officials also responded with interest in the national/public and private university systems in Korea and hoped our university can bring a big change to education in Senegal. 


Visiting the President of Cote d'Ivoire, Alassane Dramane Quattara

On July 3, our university visited the President of Cote d'Ivoire, Alassane Dramane Quattara. President Quattara has close ties with our university as he had received an honorary doctorate from our school last year. At the award ceremony, President Quattara showed sincere gratitude for our university's thoughtful concern and arrangements and hoped Sookmyung University can play an important role in the establishment of women universities in the future. In addition, he also agreed to provide full support for the exchange with Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, which is the most prestigious school in the Cote d'Ivoire that has signed an MOU with our university, the first with a Korean University. The meeting was attended by Presidents of 5 national universities in Cote d'Ivoire who expressed their deep interest in the cooperation with our university. 


Signing the exchange MOU with Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny