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Sookmyung University, holds 110th anniversary ceremony

  • Views 732
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-06-01

This event was prepared to look back on our journey from our start as the Myungshin Girl's School founded by the Royal Family of the Korean Empire in 1906 to becoming the cradle of Korean women’s education throughout the modern history, as well as, to renew our determination toward a new beginning based on the 110th anniversary.



At the ceremony, President Sunhye Hwang and Chairman Lee Don-hui of Sookmyung Educational Foundation gave their commemorative messages, and congratulatory messages were given by President Yu Gi-pung of Sogang University and President Huda Al Amir of PNU, which is the top women’s university in Saudi Arabia. In her commemorative message, President Sunhye Hwang said, “The past 110 years of Sookmyung showed that we are a confident institution that can lead the future society beyond the traditional restrictions of women and has proven that we have played a key role in deeper and broader social advancements.” Additionally, she announced, “We will search the essential value of universities and a new paradigm shift toward a better world in this changing tides of history” and “open a new 100 years of Sookmyung as the hub of women leaders to cultivate and grow alongside them.”




After the messages, the award ceremony that recognized the current leading members of our university was held. Along with the Minister of Education Award given to faculty members who have achieved excellent merits in each field, there were awards given for providing long-term services as well as the Sookmyung Talent Award, which is given to students who had produced excellent achievements in various contests and competitions.



After the award ceremony, the Sookmyung Award was held presided by Announcer Lee Geum-hui. The Sookmyung Award is an event to express the gratitude for alumni who generously provide support for the advancement of their alma mater such as donating large amount of money as development funding. Chairman Hwang Gemma of Gemma Foundation received the Special Achievement Award. And the Development Achievement Award was given to Alumni President Jeong Sun-ok, Chairman Song Yeong-suk of Ga-Hyeon Foundation of Culture, President Mun Il-gyeong of Daehan Ceramics, Representative Jeong Yeong-ja of JongOh Design, and Vice-president Kim Gwi-ja of CESCO. In addition, an appreciation plaque was presented to President Huda of PNU as a token of appreciation and hope for continuous close collaboration between the two schools such as Sookmyung University providing administrative consulting for PNU for the first time among Korean universities.