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Sookmyung Celebrates 110th Anniversary with Cheong-pa Festival for All to Enjoy

  • Views 1105
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-06-27

The most eye-catching program in the festival was 'Reply 1906!. Reflecting the theme of the festival, the intent of this event was to attract students to the rarely-visited places such as the University Museum and the History Hall. They started at the History Hall in the Centennial Hall and went on to the Sookmyung Women's University Museum in the Renaissance Plaza on and the Chung Young Yang Embroidery Museum on the Second Foundation Campus. The participants were given special sheets to get stamps from designated stops during the tour. They could receive small prizes, i.e. Snowflake (Sookmyung Women's University trade character) label stickers, from the Emergency Management Committee booth for filling all the stamps.


Another interesting program was A Picture with Snowflakes. Students took photos with Snowflake by simply donating 1000 won. All of the proceeds from the program were donated to the Nanum House (House of Sharing), a charity organization for elderly women. Having both meaningful and intriguing contents, these day time programs were able to draw high participation from many students.


Meanwhile, on the Second Foundation Campus, the School of Pharmacy hosted a program called 'Sook-Yak Girls Group Project'. In the first session, students showed off their talents followed by comments from professor. In the second session, students from other universities performed an enthusiastic stage. Beginning with the band 'Aramsori' from Kang-won University, bands from Hanyang University and Seoul National University boosted the excitement in the air. 'SPO', the orchestra in the School of Pharmacy, surprised the audience with a dance show. The program received a big applaud for its creative convergence of the two seemingly different field - pharmacology and music - into a wonderful harmony.


On the First Campus, academic departments hosted pubs featuring unique themes, attracting many students. For instance, the Chinese Language & Literature pub appealed to the visitors by featuring the traditional Chinese costume Qipao and the Chinese flags. The Computer Science pub featured Korean folk culture with Korean traditional dress Hanbok, embroidered with flowers. Other pubs featured many interesting and distinctive themes, such as the marine, the military uniform, and Harley Quinn.


The Queen Sunheon Square on the First Campus staged series of student club concerts and shows throughout the festival. This allowed the audience to take a glimpse of the great passion and talents of the students through the performances from the school club such as Seollem, Sook-pueng, DJ, Seol-Wha-Yeon, Destiny, BSL, and Max. A fashion show by the Department of Clothing and Textile was yet another attraction. The festivity peaked with concert of the two invited artists, Roy Kim and Kiha Band on May 26th and 27th, respectively. Roy Kim sang his most loved songs with his sweet voice, while Kiha Band engrossed the audience with their music, dance and talk. In response to the overwhelming calls for encore, the band staged four more songs for the audience.



When it comes to Sookmyung’s Chung-pa festival, the cheerleader group NIVIS must not be left out. NIVIS carried out its 26th cheering, entitled Cheer In the Sookmyung. They handed out blue handkerchiefs that symbolize Sookmyung and made moves with the audience. A freshman member of NIVIS, Hae-ju Kim said, “It took a long time to master the difficult choreography, but I was able to pull it off with the help of senior members.” She added, “Thanks to the audience’s support, I didn't feel tired at all. From now on, we will show better performance in cheering.”



Despite the absence of the Student Council, the festival was carried out successfully with the enthusiastic participation of the volunteers and the Emergency Planning Committee. The strong spirit of Sookmyung was noticeable through the students who busily prepared for the concerts and events all by themselves. The three-day event was surely a refreshment for students under academic and job finding pressure.


Translation by Sookmyung Interpretation Volunteers