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Sookmyung Women’s University Hosts Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon to Promote Campus-wide Cooperation for Eliminating Plastic

  • Views 1735
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2023-05-24


On May 23rd, Sookmyung Women’s University hosted Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon for its 117th anniversary and held an event promoting zero-waste (reducing waste). The Sookmyung Women’s University student support center, in cooperation with the Seoul Metropolitan Government, held the event titled, “A zero-waste Sookmyung, moving Seoul toward the future.”



President Jang and Mayor Oh attended Professor Lim Yong-hoon’s seminar at the Sookmyung Women’s University environment-friendly smart farm on campus on May 23rd. President Jang and Mayor Oh held a meeting where they discussed the university’s on-campus zero-waste activities and visions for the future. Mayor Oh also visited an eco-friendly smart farm where they produce high-value products using sustainable renewable energy sources. The farm utilizes renewable energy produced from solar power for the cooling and heating systems.


Mayor Oh visited the environment campaign booths in Soon Heon-kwan Square and encouraged the students running the campaign. SEM (Sookmyung Environmental Movement), an eco-friendly student organization that won the top prize for the city’s zero-waste contest, ran programs such as a pet-plant adoption fair and a bottle cap up-cycling experience booth.



 There were also various other booths including the Center Student Organization AIESECs’ garage sale and the campus-town business center’s booth where they let students participate in a blind-test for beverages made from unusual produce. Free beverages were also prepared for 800 students who brought tumblers in order to encourage students to use the renewable product. 



Mayor Oh also held a special seminar on the topic of “Core values that make Seoul a competitive global city.” Over 300 students attended the event held at the university's Centennial Hall. This was the first time that Mayor Oh held a seminar on campus.


Mayor Oh said he appreciates the students actively engaging in the zero-waste policies the city is implementing and that the city needs the help of students and citizens, as plastic products can be recycled in various ways. President Jang said, “Sookmyung Women’s University will set ESG innovation as one of its three major goals for in its 2030 vision, operating the campus with the values of sharing and coexistence.”



Sookmyung Women’s University and its students are actively working on creating a zero-waste campus that eliminates disposable waste. At the Campus Festival held last year, disposable products were banned and a rental service of reusable products was installed, contributing to a significant reduction in waste. The return rate on reusable products was also 97%, indicating that student participation was also very good.


Beginning this month, mask collection boxes will be installed in every major building on campus and “upcycling programs for the used masks” will also be implemented. The collected masks will be used for various recycled plastic products.