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The Greatest Pioneer of Practical Design, Jean Prouve, The Opening of the First Exhibition in Korea

  • Views 1594
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2012-11-27

Jean Prouve is regarded as 'the greatest designer of the 20th century and a pioneer in practical design.' He was born to the artist Victor Prouve and the pianist Marie Duhamel on April 8th, 1901. He attended the Nancy School where he took in the ideals and energy of the Art Nouveau movement of Emile Galle (his godfather and head of the school). The goal of his father, Victor Prouve, and his godfather, Emile Galle, was to nurture artists (painters, glass artists, architects, furniture designers, etc.) who could provide a wide array of art to many people. Jean Prouve grew up under this influence. He began his work in a metal workshop where he designed metal furniture. Today, he is considered a pioneer of modern furniture. It is said that the world learned how to shape metal from Jean Prouve.



After World War 2, 'Ateliers Jean Prouve' was commissioned to mass produce frame houses for the refugees. The houses were made entirely from wood and metal. The parts could be carried anywhere and be assembled or deassembled with ease. At a time when metal was scarce, this proved to be a truly practical design. This exhibition displays some of the structural parts of these houses. The video next to it demonstrates how the parts were assembled or deassembled.



From 1957 to 1970, Jean Prouve lectured at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM). He created a chair that applied 'professional art.' He taught students, "Don't draw anything that you can't build." He taught them to look beyond ideas and theory, and to learn from experience and intuition. Obviously, many students were enamored with his ideas and his influence lives on.



Dela Shin (department of painting, class of 2012) and Bohyun Kim (department of painting, class of 2012) commented, "It was a new and exciting exhibition. Because we major in painting, we knew little about architecture and furniture design. we have become interested in it, because of the exhibition." "It isn't just exhibits, the video helped us understand the story behind it."



In addition to the works of Jean Prouve, Vitra products were also on display. Miniature models of their products were also on display. If anyone is interested they can inquire about purchases through the sales pamphlet.