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Professor Shi-hyun Ham’s Team Reveals Mechanism of Protein Triggering Dementia

  • Views 1469
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2012-08-21

Professor Ham’s team from the Department of Chemistry said that they found the mechanism of amyloid beta’s condensation and its accelerating factor so that they can show the possibility of controlling the interaction of the protein which can cause dementia.

Dementia, or Alzheimer’s, is known as a disease caused by poisonous condensation coming from Amyloid beta existing in the nerve cells of the brain. Hence the most important key in developing a dementia cure is to find out the principle of interaction of the protein triggering dementia and its condensation factors so that the process of its production could be deterred. 

Professor Ham’s team used a super computer to simulate the human body, applied the algorithm they had developed, and succeeded in developing inventive original technology revealing the interaction mechanism of the protein and triggering factors at the atomic level. There has been much anticipation of the results of this research, which has its own algorithm and which brings us one step closer to developing a dementia cure. Furthermore, this study is deemed by academia to have produced a technology overcoming the limitations of protein research and a model showing originality in practical and quantative research regarding protein-related disease. 

This research has been subsidized by the Support Project for General Researchers, a project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, and came into the spotlight when it became known the research had surpassed the limit reached by the world’s protein researchers.  This eye-opening achievement was made and published autonomously by Sookmyung.