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Sookmyung Recognized for Excellence in its Facet as “Career Counselor”

  • Views 1501
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2012-08-21

Sookmyung was selected for the second consecutive year as an exemplary university in its facet of career counseling for the “Youth Employment and Career Support Project” – a project initiated by the Ministry of Employment and Labor in 2011. This endorsement has secured continuous government subsidies for 2012, allowing Sookmyung to run its ongoing projects.

Sookmyung was awarded high marks in part due to the Career Development Center’s career counselor project which both invented and ran its own programs such as the Career Card Workshop and Career Q+50, for unemployed graduates, and operated distinctive programs like its real time group clinic broadcast service designed for smart phones.

By enlarging and operating the career counselor project, the Career Development Center said it would “keep assisting Sookmyung people who are concerned about their careers to participate in various counseling and clinic programs so that these can receive the needed support in finding employment and developing their careers.