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Cooking with Multicultural Families

  • Views 1473
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2012-08-21

The Sookmyung Korea Food Institute invited 18 multicultural families - Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipinos, and Cambodians - living in rural areas and hosted this Korean food cooking experience event for them on the 6th of this month.

On this day, parents got to learn about and cook by themselves some typical Korean foods such as japchae, oh-sam bulgogi, and oisobak-ih. They also listened to a lecture on Korean food and watched a demonstration given by two professors of the Graduate School of Traditional Culture and Arts at Sookmyung, So-yeon Jin, and Gi-hyun Sim.  

Laughter flowed among the multicultural families as the mothers and fathers tasted the foods cooked by their inexperienced hands. Shaking her head, Neksopal from Cambodia said, “I hadn’t made any Korean food before, and didn’t know japchae needs so many different ingredients.” But observers didn’t spare any compliments at seeing her slice carrots finely and frying glass noodles quickly, remarking, “You are better at cooking that than a Korean.”

This Korean cooking event garnered attention because it provided a cooking class not only for parents, but also for the children of the multicultural families. In this class, researchers in the Sookmyung Korea Food Institute helped the children cook cookies, muffins, Korean dumplings and some other favorite foods together.  

This event was arranged to provide an opportunity for multicultural families to experience Korean culture as part of a course assisting multicultural families to settle in farming areas, a course operated by the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Rural Leaders Training Institute. The Sookmyung Korea Food Institute commented, “We want multicultural families to understand Korean culture naturally by getting the chance to cook Korean foods, one step in successfully settling into Korean society.”