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Sookmyung, Selected for Funding by 2012 University Education Capacity Enhancement Project

  • Views 1424
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2012-08-21

The 2012 University Education Capacity Enhancement Project, supervised by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, chose to subsidize Sookmyung University on the 12th of this month. The University Education Capacity Enhancement Project is designed to raise the autonomy and efficiency of universities according to their own development strategies, and it selects universities based on a formula composed of employment rate, student recruitment rate, education investment rate and other key indicators.  This is the 3rd time Sookmyung was selected, having been chosen in 2009 and 2010 as well.   

This selection brings Sookmyung a subsidy of 2.2 billion 36 million won. This amount ranked 9th among the 16 private universities having a student population of more than 10,000 selected by this project. The subsidy will be used for an education enhancement project according to Sookmyung’s own development strategy.  

So-young Kim, the director of the planning department talked about the significance of the selection: “We expected some difficulties to result from freezing school tuition for 3 years consecutively and then cutting tuition by 4% this year, but this selection by the University Education Enhancement Project helps us overcome our financial challenges so that we can both continue to provide high quality education and offer various benefits to our students.”