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An Honorary Doctorate Degree Awarded to Petra Roth, the Mayor of Frankfurt

  • Views 1782
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2011-02-21

September 8, at Centennial Hall, Sookmyung Women’s University awarded an honorary doctorate degree in politics to Petra Roth, the Mayor of Frankfurt am Main in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The degree was conferred in recognition of the merits of Petra Roth, who has contributed to the enhancement of global cultures through exercising excellent feminine leadership in promoting understanding of multiple culture, promoting a sustainable environments, constructing international cultural cities, and advancing citizens’ welfare and world peace.

The award ceremony was attended by about 100 figures including VIP guests invited from Germany as well as entrepreneurs from home and abroad. Following the ceremony, Mayor Roth delivered a special lecture on “the policies for women in the 21st century as motive to promote the development in overall spheres of society including economy and politics.”

President Young Sil Han gave a congratulatory address, in which she said, “I hope that the leadership and vision of Mayor Roth and more than 100 years of experience of Sookmyung Women’s University in women’s education will facilitate the development of women education in both Germany and Korea,” expecting that the occasion will help increase the number of exchanges between Sookmyung Women’s University and universities in Frankfurt.

Petra Roth has been a female politician in Germany since 1973. Being a parliamentary member belonging to the Christian Democrats, she has made efforts to improve the welfare of the people of Frankfurt, for which she has gained political influence in Germany. In 1995, she has since been first selected mayor in the direct election system, which was implemented for the first time in the country. She was elected to her third consecutive term. She developed a movement to enliven the Main River and actively worked to host the 2006 Germany World Cup while making endeavors to develop and advance Frankfurt economically and culturally and striving to ensure that multiple cultures coexist in Frankfurt and the German society as a whole.