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MIT Students Visit Korea for the Food!

  • Views 1589
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2012-08-21

MIT graduate students of the Sloan School of Management visited the Sookmyung Korea Food Institute last March.

MIT students first learned how to make kimchi and nubiani and bibimbab, three typical Korean foods. A professor of the Graduate School of Traditional Culture and Arts, So-yeon Jin, gave a demonstration on how to make kimchi, after which each group of four tried making the Korean food by themselves.   

Everyone complained of hunger as soon as they started cooking nubiani and smelled the sweet and savory aromas in the practice room. Korean American Andy Choo (32 years) got into the cooking like a natural, remarking, “I didn’t know how to make Korean food but I like it so much I often go to a Korean restaurant in Boston. I especially like bulgogi and that seems most popular among foreigners too.”

After cooking practice, students tasted their own cooked bibimbab and nubiani. Unanimous shouts of “Wonderful!” were heard between clumsy attempts to pick up the nubiani and mix the bibimbab with chopsticks. 

On the Korean leg of their spring vacation ‘Korea-Japan Study Tour,’  MIT students visited some Korean venture companies, Je-ju Island, Bulkuksa temple in Kyung-ju and other cultural heritage sites in addition to the Sookmyung Korea Food Institute before returning to America.