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Passion for Alma Mater of Japanese Alumna

  • Views 1712
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2011-06-20

A Japanese alumna graduated from our university in the period of “Sookmyung Women’s College” donated development fund to our university. It is Nagayama Kyoko living in Tokyo. Researcher Jeong Ae Park with Sookmyung Historical Data Collection Committee, visited in Japan in February last for collecting data of Tensokai (An association of Japanese alumnae graduated from Sookmyung Women’s College(formerly) and met Nagayama Kyoko who was a member of Tensokai. Nagayama Kyoko, who is already 86 years old, completed domestic subject’s course in 1944. She wrote to our university: “Thank you for visiting in Japan. I will keep the calendar and necklace presented by my Alma Mater in good custody.” Nagayama Kyoko donated 50 thousand yen on the 7th day last and is thinking to donate additional 50 thousand yen in coming October with the hope of development of Alma Mater. President Han said in the letter to Nagayama Kyoko: “I have become very concerned and anxious of SMU alumnae in Japan since I first heard the news of Japanese nuclear accident.” And showed appreciation saying “All SMU families will be moved for devotion of you even in such difficult situation.”